Luscious Lemon Curd

Lemon curd is so easy to make with 4 simple ingredients!

It’s the perfect springtime breakfast on top of overnight oats or after dinner dessert with a bowl of frozen blueberries!

It uses our pastured egg yolks so it’s loaded with nutrition and energy!

You could technically just eat it by the spoonful out of the fridge!

I won’t tell and I won’t judge!


So here is how to make it:


  • 5 Nourished With Nature Egg Yolks

  • 1/2 cup local raw honey

  • 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

  • Lemon zest from fruit

  • 1/2 cup Butter (I like KerryGold)

  • 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil (optional)


  1. Whisk egg yolks, honey, juice and zest in the top of a double boiler pan over simmering water. Any pan or bowl will work, as long as it can be nestled over another pan of boiling water.

  2. Stir with a rubber spatula 6-9 minutes over the pan of barely boiling water. The egg yolks can be quick to scramble so you want to keep stirring and keep the heat medium to low. Stir until it reaches the thickness of yogurt, it might take closer to 12 minutes. You’ll know it’s done when the curd coats the sides of your pan and spatula.

  3. Remove the pan from over the boiling water and stir in the butter. Once the butter is melted run the curd through a fine mesh sieve to remove the zest and scrambled bits.

  4. Stir in lemon essential oil if you want an extra tangy pop of flavor. The essential oil is cold pressed from the rind of lemons so it can be substituted for the zest or, if you’re like me and NEVER get enough lemon, add it in additionally! Do this in the cooling stage as heating this essential oil will void it of it’s nutritional value. It’s also important that you trust the source of your essential oil, as NOT ALL are safe for internal use. Young Living’s ARE. They are labeled “Vitality” when they are generally regarded as safe for ingestion. Email me if you would like to get 25% off essential oils.

  5. Pour into a jar and refrigerate. Curd will thicken as it cools. This can be frozen or kept fresh in the fridge for 10-14 days.

